
There are two ways you can add a segment. First, simply type in the name of the segment next to Add Segment on the main Control Panel. To the right of where you type in the name of the segment, you can adjust the color of the segment, the font and style and then save the segment.

Second, you can select Segments at the top of the main Control Panel. Here you can also select the color of the segment and the font style and size. When you are finished adding a segment, click SAVE. You will now see the segment in the Saved Segments box. The color that you have selected for this segment will be highlighted around the box.

If you wish you edit a segment, select the segment you would like to edit from the Saved Segments box, and click EDIT. Here you can change the color of a segment and the font size and style.

The Display Name drop-down box gives you the option to display the name of the segment within the clock. If you have a short segment, like a Legal ID, there is not enough room to clearly see the name of the segment. TIP: You can use the Comments tab to create a comment line and text for this short segment. The comment will be displayed outside of the clock.

To delete a segment, select the segment you would like to delete from the drop-down box of Saved Segments, and then click DELETE. To delete all of the Saved Segments, click Delete All.