Show Minutes and Seconds - Selecting this option will display a time grid around the clock broken into minutes and segments.
Show Inner Clock Line - Selecting this option adds a line that would go on the inside of the clock next to the time grid.
Show Outer Clock Line - This is the line that defines the outside of the clock. This is selected by default.
Show Top of Hour Line - This is a bold line that defines the top of the hour. This is selected by default.
Show Segment Separators - These are lines that separate segments. This is selected by default.
Show Segment Shading - When selected, there are two different styles of shading for you to choose.
Ring Style - This effect allows you to create a space in the middle of the clock. The size option determines how much space is allowed in the clock. The default is 30. There is also the option to define the space with a line.
You can customize the colors for each of these individual features as well by clicking on the color button to the left of the feature. Once you have selected a color, the button will change to the color specified and you will see the change on the clock template to the left.